Hari ini, saya terdorong untuk berkongsi tentang topik ini. Semasa tengah syok buat kerja-kerja di rumah, tiba-tiba satu suara yang kuat menimbulkan kerinduan saya untuk berkongsi firman Tuhan. Rasa bersalah juga sebab lama dah tak update blog saya ni..:P
ok...berbalik kepada topik kita, atau dalam BM.."Menghadang Penghalang Iman". Tajuk ini telah dikongsi oleh seorang pastor di mana tempat saya beribadah. Saya sungguh diberkati dengan firman Tuhan yang disampaikan. Thanks Lord for Your great words..so amazing!! XD
**********serious m0de***********
Bilangan 13:25 - 14:10
- Pada bab ini menceritakan tentang kedua belas pengintai dari suku kaum Israel yang telah difirman Tuhan melalui Musa untuk pergi mengintai tanah Kanaan sepertimana yang telah dijanjikan.
- Allah menjanjikan tanah perjanjian (Keluaran 32:13) di mana Allah juga menjanjikan berkat-berkat.
- Ingatlah bahawa, apa-apa pun permasalahan kita sedaya upaya meneguhkan iman kita di dalam Tuhan Yesus. Kita akan mendapat apa yang telah dijanjikanNya. Bukan itu sahaja, malah Tuhan akan menyediakan yang lebih lagi buat kita iaitu hikmat yang benar.
1 Korintus 2:9 "Tetapi seperti yang tertulis: Apa yang tidak pernah dilihat oleh mata, dan tidak pernah didengar oleh telinga, dan yang tidak pernah timbul di dalam hati manusia: semua yang disediakan Allah untuk mereka yang mengasihi Dia."
- 12 pengintai orang Israel...10 memberikan laporan yang negatif di mana mereka beranggapan bahawa mereka tidak dapat masuk ke tanah Kanaan tersebut. 2 orang lagi (Yosua dan Kaleb) memberikan laporan yang berbeza. Mereka berdua dengan yakinnya berpendapat bahawa negeri itu sungguh luar biasa baiknya dan percaya dengan firman Allah. (Bil. 14:6-9)
- Contohilah Yosua dan Kaleb dalam kehidupan seharian kita. Percayalah dengan firman Tuhan dan janganlah..apabila melihat kesukaran serta cabaran di hadapan kita..terus kita katakan TIDAK...TAK BOLEH... hai saudara/i, belum cuba..belum tau..:D Minta pertolongan dari Dia yang kaya dalam segala hal iaitu Yesus Kristus.
Filipi 4:13 "Segala perkara dapat ku tanggung di dalam Dia yang memberi kekuatan kepadaku."
1) Takut (Fear)
- timbul kerana melihat rintangan lebih besar daripada firman Tuhan (Bil 13:28, 32-33)
- ketakutan boleh mematikan segala harapan dan impian kita
- bila ada sahaja ketakutan, ianya boleh menghancurkan firman Tuhan yang ada dalam diri kita.
2) Bersungut (Grumble)
- bersungut kerana tidak melihat tiada harapan lagi (Bil. 14:2)
- mulai mempersoalkan pimpinan Tuhan dalam hidup (Bil 14:3)
- Bersungut sahaja tidak akan melepaskan kita daripada masalah.
- Bersungit hanya akan menghalang kebaikan Tuhan kepada kita.
3) Pemberontakkan (Rebellion)
- tidak mahu lagi tunduk kepada kepimpinan yang dipercayakan ke atas kita (Bil 14:4)
- memberontak kepada pemimpin yang dipilih Tuhan akan menyebabkan kita hilang payung perlindungan (spiritual covering)
- juga menghalang kita mengalami janji Allah
- Jangan biarkan ketakutan menguasai diri kerana itu akan menimbulkan pemberontakan.
1) Pegang fakta firman Tuhan (janji Tuhan)
- Tuhan janjikan negeri yang berlimpah susu dan madu (Bil 13:27)
- Jangan pedulikan halangan yang ada dan yakin dengan kuasa Tuhan.
2) Miliki sikap hati yang benar.
- Yosua dan Kaleb punyai hati yang benar. (Bil 13:30, 14:7)
- mereka melihat rintangan yang sama seperti mana 10 pengintai yang lain tetapi mereka berdua mempunyai keyakinan akan firman Tuhan. (Bil 14:9)
3) Nyatakan kepercayaan kita
- Bil 13:30, 14:8
- Sementara anda mengisytiharkan kepercayaan anda, kemuliaan Tuhan turun atas anda. (Bil 14:10)
- Nyatakan setiap hari, apa yang anda percaya.
- Imani dan ikut firman Tuhan dan Tuhan akan menyediakan yang terbaik buat kita.
Di sini, saya ingin akhiri sharing saya dengan 2 ayat daripada firman Tuhan:
ROMA 1:17
"Sebab di dalamnya nyata kebenaran Allah, yang bertolak dari iman dan memimpin kepada iman, seperti ada tertulis : ORANG BENAR AKAN HIDUP OLEH IMAN."
"Tetapi tanpa iman tidak mungkin orang berkenan kepada Allah, ia harus percaya bahawa Allah ada dan bahawa Allah memberi upah kepada orang yang sungguh-sungguh mencari Dia."
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Thursday, November 19, 2009
a step of apology
“Ma….Mama, please don’t go. Don’t leave me. Mama please…”
Cassie ran with the shining pearls rolled through her round eyes and then, she felt. Her right leg stepped on a huge pebble. Her forehead was bleeding. She couldn’t stand up anymore. She even couldn’t feel her legs. It was really difficult for her to stand up. The figure still remained smiling and slowly walked through a dark lane. Her heart kept saying that the figure was her mother.
“Yes! That’s mama,” she was very sure that the figure was her mother.
“Mama…!” Cassie suddenly screamed.
She found out that it was just a dream. She sat down on her bed and began to hug both of her knees.
“Mama…” she started sobbing inconsolably. It was still 3.15am. She took her blanket, wiped her tears with it and covered all of her body. A few minutes later, she slept.
She woke up quite early that morning. Cassie saw herself through the mirror in her bathroom.
“Why not me?” she asked herself. Her tears started to suffuse again. She opened the shower pipe and let the cold water befell her. She started to hug herself and cried with all her heart.
Cassie went downstairs as usual to take her breakfast. She saw her father Mr. Sean was taking his breakfast alone. She decided to join her father that morning as she rarely had an opportunity to do a conversation with him.
“Good morning papa,” she said with a sweet smile on her lips. As she pulled the chair for her to sit down, Mr. Sean wiped his mouth and left her without leaving any words even saying goodbye. Cassie was already common with the situation since the tragic incident happened 8 years ago that she couldn’t forget until now.
“You’d lie to me! Get out! I don’t want to see your face anymore!” Mr. Sean pushed Cassie’s mother, Jane outside their house.
“Please dear…listen to me,” she begged and clinched Mr. Sean right leg.
Without any compassion, he slapped her on her face and then held her long wavy hair firmly.
“I said get out!” Mr. Sean shouted and pointed the gate.
Cassie at that time just cried and couldn’t say anything. She was 7 years old at that time.
“Kay, come to mama dear,” requested her mother.
“Kay, get in your room!” commanded her father.
She was afraid and went upstairs to her room. She even could hear her father’s rough voice snarled her mother. All the things that she could do at that time were crying. It was raining heavily at that night with the thunderstorm. Cassie’s mother walked slowly out from the gate with sobs. Her tears couldn’t be seen and for sure it was as many as the raindrops that felt that shivery night. As she looked back the house and saw her daughter was looking at her and crying through the windowpane, out of the blue…
TOOOP!! Cassie was conscious. The incident that had taken her mother’s life totally changed her father’s life. Mr. Sean rarely spoke even with Cassie. Cassie got up from the chair. She had lost her appetite. With a slow walk, she went upstairs. On her way to upstairs, her sight was suddenly blurry. She stopped for a while and touched her head. When it was back clear, she continued her steps.
As usual, she would open her pink diary, her ‘best friend’ and jot down whatever her heart wanted to say. As her pen danced on the page of the diary, a drop of red liquid suddenly felt. She found that she got nosebleed.
“Gosh! Again?!” she mumbled herself.
In a jiffy, she went to her washroom and washed the blood. Several minutes later, her sight was blurry again. Sometimes, she saw nothing. It was really dark. She got a really painful headache and felt like her head wanted to explode! She was almost fainted. She sat for a while as she felt that she could stand for it. No longer after that, the pain was gone. After feeling better, she went out from her washroom and wiped the blood that on her diary using her own hand. After that, she continued her writing.
On his way to the office, Mr. Sean realized that he had done something that was fool in his life and his family too.
“She’s innocent!” his heart kept saying this sentence.
“Jane, Kay… I’m so sorry…please forgiving me.” His tears started overflowing.
“She was my best friend, really the best that I had ever had. She helped me a lot. Late Jane and I were just friends and not more than that. I have my own family to take care of. If not because of her, you won’t see me standing here in front of you or exist in this world anymore! I was out of my mind that day. She had saved me. She didn’t have any intention. I hope you will regret for the things that you have done,” expressed Bratt.
He left Mr. Sean behind and started to move out from the cemetery with his family. Mr. Sean stunned. Everything that his wife had told him before was true. His heart covered with guiltiness.
The incident had changed him overall. He rarely spoke to his daughter. But, that day he realized that he had to start a new life with his daughter and not just kept silence forever. That was not a solution. He had to think about his only one child, Cassie’s future and also himself. He stopped his car and drove back home. He wanted to say sorry to his daughter. After several years, now he really regretted and realized that everything must be changed. To change that, what he had to do was asking for an apology from his daughter. His cell phone kept ringing since 5 minutes ago. He got 5 missed calls from his office. Actually, that day he had an urgent meeting. Conversely, he didn’t care about the calls. He knew that there was nothing more important than to see his daughter.
“That’s it! Today is her birthday. I won’t let her down anymore.” He smiled.
He entered the house and looked for his daughter. After he couldn’t find Cassie at ground floor, he went upstairs and directed open Cassie’s door. He saw Cassie was sleeping on her bed. He walked slowly towards her daughter. He saw his daughter’s face with a gloomy look. Cassie’s smile reminded him to his wife.
“She seems like you, Jane,” he whispered.
He didn’t realize that his tears began to flow again through his cheeks. He decided not to disturb his daughter’s nap. He took Cassie’s blanket and covered her with it until her waist. Then, he kissed her on her forehead. Mr. Sean found out that Cassie’s body was a little bit cold. Then, he slowed down the fan.
“I’m sorry, dear. Happy Birthday,” he whispered.
After that, Mr. Sean saw the picture of his wife on Cassie’s desk. His eyes attracted with a red dot on Cassie’s diary. He took the diary and touched the weird dot. He smelled it. It was blood! He suddenly became uneasy. His heart started to quiver.
30th July 2008
¤ Happy Birthday to me… ^0^ I hope papa will talk to me and wish me ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY’. I hope so… I wish I can have my family back.
¤ It’s really hurt when papa didn’t answer me. How long he will do this to me? I had already forgiven him even though he was the cause of everything. Everything…yes! Everything… This loneliness really hurts. But I love him. I love papa so much. I don’t want to lose him. He’s the only one that I have now.
¤ Gosh! I got nosebleed again!
¤ It’s quite bored today. Hmm…I’m sleepy…so sleepy.
…nosebleed again!
Mr. Sean’s eyes spotted on these words. He became curious. Then, he lifted up the previous pages.
1st June 2008
¤ Leukemia… why must I? Why it chose me? Why???!!
Mr. Sean closed the diary immediately. He tried to wake Cassie up by shaking her body. Conversely, there was no any action even the answer from Cassie.
“Kay, get up dear…” Mr. Sean started to cry. He found out that body was cold. So cold…
Cassie ran with the shining pearls rolled through her round eyes and then, she felt. Her right leg stepped on a huge pebble. Her forehead was bleeding. She couldn’t stand up anymore. She even couldn’t feel her legs. It was really difficult for her to stand up. The figure still remained smiling and slowly walked through a dark lane. Her heart kept saying that the figure was her mother.
“Yes! That’s mama,” she was very sure that the figure was her mother.
“Mama…!” Cassie suddenly screamed.
She found out that it was just a dream. She sat down on her bed and began to hug both of her knees.
“Mama…” she started sobbing inconsolably. It was still 3.15am. She took her blanket, wiped her tears with it and covered all of her body. A few minutes later, she slept.
She woke up quite early that morning. Cassie saw herself through the mirror in her bathroom.
“Why not me?” she asked herself. Her tears started to suffuse again. She opened the shower pipe and let the cold water befell her. She started to hug herself and cried with all her heart.
Cassie went downstairs as usual to take her breakfast. She saw her father Mr. Sean was taking his breakfast alone. She decided to join her father that morning as she rarely had an opportunity to do a conversation with him.
“Good morning papa,” she said with a sweet smile on her lips. As she pulled the chair for her to sit down, Mr. Sean wiped his mouth and left her without leaving any words even saying goodbye. Cassie was already common with the situation since the tragic incident happened 8 years ago that she couldn’t forget until now.
“You’d lie to me! Get out! I don’t want to see your face anymore!” Mr. Sean pushed Cassie’s mother, Jane outside their house.
“Please dear…listen to me,” she begged and clinched Mr. Sean right leg.
Without any compassion, he slapped her on her face and then held her long wavy hair firmly.
“I said get out!” Mr. Sean shouted and pointed the gate.
Cassie at that time just cried and couldn’t say anything. She was 7 years old at that time.
“Kay, come to mama dear,” requested her mother.
“Kay, get in your room!” commanded her father.
She was afraid and went upstairs to her room. She even could hear her father’s rough voice snarled her mother. All the things that she could do at that time were crying. It was raining heavily at that night with the thunderstorm. Cassie’s mother walked slowly out from the gate with sobs. Her tears couldn’t be seen and for sure it was as many as the raindrops that felt that shivery night. As she looked back the house and saw her daughter was looking at her and crying through the windowpane, out of the blue…
TOOOP!! Cassie was conscious. The incident that had taken her mother’s life totally changed her father’s life. Mr. Sean rarely spoke even with Cassie. Cassie got up from the chair. She had lost her appetite. With a slow walk, she went upstairs. On her way to upstairs, her sight was suddenly blurry. She stopped for a while and touched her head. When it was back clear, she continued her steps.
As usual, she would open her pink diary, her ‘best friend’ and jot down whatever her heart wanted to say. As her pen danced on the page of the diary, a drop of red liquid suddenly felt. She found that she got nosebleed.
“Gosh! Again?!” she mumbled herself.
In a jiffy, she went to her washroom and washed the blood. Several minutes later, her sight was blurry again. Sometimes, she saw nothing. It was really dark. She got a really painful headache and felt like her head wanted to explode! She was almost fainted. She sat for a while as she felt that she could stand for it. No longer after that, the pain was gone. After feeling better, she went out from her washroom and wiped the blood that on her diary using her own hand. After that, she continued her writing.
On his way to the office, Mr. Sean realized that he had done something that was fool in his life and his family too.
“She’s innocent!” his heart kept saying this sentence.
“Jane, Kay… I’m so sorry…please forgiving me.” His tears started overflowing.
“She was my best friend, really the best that I had ever had. She helped me a lot. Late Jane and I were just friends and not more than that. I have my own family to take care of. If not because of her, you won’t see me standing here in front of you or exist in this world anymore! I was out of my mind that day. She had saved me. She didn’t have any intention. I hope you will regret for the things that you have done,” expressed Bratt.
He left Mr. Sean behind and started to move out from the cemetery with his family. Mr. Sean stunned. Everything that his wife had told him before was true. His heart covered with guiltiness.
The incident had changed him overall. He rarely spoke to his daughter. But, that day he realized that he had to start a new life with his daughter and not just kept silence forever. That was not a solution. He had to think about his only one child, Cassie’s future and also himself. He stopped his car and drove back home. He wanted to say sorry to his daughter. After several years, now he really regretted and realized that everything must be changed. To change that, what he had to do was asking for an apology from his daughter. His cell phone kept ringing since 5 minutes ago. He got 5 missed calls from his office. Actually, that day he had an urgent meeting. Conversely, he didn’t care about the calls. He knew that there was nothing more important than to see his daughter.
“That’s it! Today is her birthday. I won’t let her down anymore.” He smiled.
He entered the house and looked for his daughter. After he couldn’t find Cassie at ground floor, he went upstairs and directed open Cassie’s door. He saw Cassie was sleeping on her bed. He walked slowly towards her daughter. He saw his daughter’s face with a gloomy look. Cassie’s smile reminded him to his wife.
“She seems like you, Jane,” he whispered.
He didn’t realize that his tears began to flow again through his cheeks. He decided not to disturb his daughter’s nap. He took Cassie’s blanket and covered her with it until her waist. Then, he kissed her on her forehead. Mr. Sean found out that Cassie’s body was a little bit cold. Then, he slowed down the fan.
“I’m sorry, dear. Happy Birthday,” he whispered.
After that, Mr. Sean saw the picture of his wife on Cassie’s desk. His eyes attracted with a red dot on Cassie’s diary. He took the diary and touched the weird dot. He smelled it. It was blood! He suddenly became uneasy. His heart started to quiver.
30th July 2008
¤ Happy Birthday to me… ^0^ I hope papa will talk to me and wish me ‘HAPPY BIRTHDAY’. I hope so… I wish I can have my family back.
¤ It’s really hurt when papa didn’t answer me. How long he will do this to me? I had already forgiven him even though he was the cause of everything. Everything…yes! Everything… This loneliness really hurts. But I love him. I love papa so much. I don’t want to lose him. He’s the only one that I have now.
¤ Gosh! I got nosebleed again!
¤ It’s quite bored today. Hmm…I’m sleepy…so sleepy.
…nosebleed again!
Mr. Sean’s eyes spotted on these words. He became curious. Then, he lifted up the previous pages.
1st June 2008
¤ Leukemia… why must I? Why it chose me? Why???!!
Mr. Sean closed the diary immediately. He tried to wake Cassie up by shaking her body. Conversely, there was no any action even the answer from Cassie.
“Kay, get up dear…” Mr. Sean started to cry. He found out that body was cold. So cold…
Sunday, November 1, 2009
1+1 Impact Nite Mini Concert SIBOTR

Haleluya!! Puji Tuhan..this was a great event..saya dapat rasakan kuasaNya lewat pujian dan penyembahan ini. Sesuai dengan namanya "Impact Nite", memang betul-betul membuat impact yang sangat besar dalam hidup saya. Kesembuhan rohani, pembebasan roh juga turut terjadi..setiap bergumulan & beban yang ada dapat saya lepaskan hanya di dalam nama Yesus..Haleluya!!
Tiada yang seperti Engkau
Yang ku rindu di setiap waktu
Tiada yang seperti Engkau
Yang ku perlu seumur hidupku
Ke mana lagi ku kan pergi
Selain Engkau Allahku
Kau memberiku kasih abadi
Yang mengubahkan seluruh hidup ini
Ke mana lagi ku kan pergi
Selain Engkau Yesus
Kau memberiku hidup yang pasti
Jadikanku lebih bererti...
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